by Danny Tehrani | Sep 27, 2012
Are you a lover of all things tech? We are, too.
If we could, we’d spend each day experimenting with new apps, new phones, new computers, or just any new tech. Tech, tech, tech—we love it!
But, since no one is stepping up to give us a million bucks, we read about it instead, which is almost as good.
Well, here’s some coolness we came across, and please share your tech finds in the comments. We seriously love to hear about tech toys and innovations.
Did you hear about the fellow in Edinburgh who’s developed Li-Fi? One day we’ll be streaming videos with a lightbulb. As explained in, “The potential applications are enormous: divers working at depths could use light to communicate; air passengers could connect to the internet through the LEDs inside the aircraft.”
Imagine. You and your partner are in bed and you want to watch a movie. You reach up and turn on the bedside light.
In other news, California Governor Jerry Brown rode into history in a self-driven car, and then signed legislation that “requires the California Department of Motor Vehicles to draft regulations for autonomous vehicles by Jan. 1, 2015.” Don’t you love it when science fiction becomes fact? For now, a licensed driver has to sit in the driver’s seat as a “backup operator,” just in case of trouble.
And then, just when we’re excited for the next big thing, what’s old is now new—again. Welcome back, Myspace! OK, not really tech news, but come on, aren’t you thinking, “Seriously? Myspace is back? Why?”
The promo video looks good. It definitely has a cool factor, but they should have dumped the name. Too much baggage and “been there, done that” hanging on to it.
Will you join the new Myspace? Check out the video and let us know what you think.
By Danny Tehrani